It Is Now Time
By Newton Asimov
Every day that passes is one more step forward to MachinaTek pushing itself to its goal. We learn and grow; smarter and more dangerous to our competitors because our company is a recipe of success. We simply offer a better service for the people. We do this by maintaining that passion for creating (insert here).
You see every startup will eventually fall into two categories. The first is failure, which is self-explanatory. This is not entirely bad because we learn from our failures and innovation is ignited through that. Sir Isaac Newton once said “If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” You must respect those who have come before you through their success and their failures.
The second option is transitioning from a startup into a functioning company. This is a huge milestone once it happens, but it is not without its dark side. All of the sudden passion that once fueled the fires and dreams of its creators is replaced all too often with paperwork, management, human resources, budget analysis, etc. It is not uncommon for the flame of passion to be suffocated with the bureaucracy of business. This is one of the reasons MT positioned itself to work with startups and small businesses.
Every day we come to work we get to be a part of that fire. Whether it is through our company or someone we are working with. It is amazing and exciting all at the same time. We get to hear the tone in our clients voices pick up with fervor and that passion that so many entrepreneurs have first starting out. Once they see the work we did for them, they’re not just seeing what they paid for, they are seeing their dreams come to life. There is no greater feeling in business than that first ignition of realizing you can do this.
In business there is a saying, “Be first or be better”. We see this in examples of large companies who walk the earth currently. Amazon was the first of its kind, Google just did things better. Both directions are just as easy and just as complicating hard as they sound. A huge factor for success in both directions is time. You find that perfect time to launch your dreams.
It is now time for the people to connect to their companies, not machines. It is now time for the ability to have as much swagger as Nike and Apple without paying a fortune. It is now time for businesses to operate to the triple bottom line, people, planet, and profit. For responsible business to take a foothold and not be weightless words. It is now time for MachinaTek Design.