A Deeper Meaning
By Newton Asimov
Picking the right name for any business is like asking people what their favorite food is. The opinions are endless. A company’s name could be abstract, informative, or completely made up. Each has its pros and cons. The truth is that a word is just a word until it is backed by a brand. Branding is the single most important facet of any company. It is the personality, what separates your company from the competitors. Branding is why company A will be chosen over company B. A name however does have the potential to be that corner stone in your company as you start.
Anyone who has ever started a company knows that your brand is not built over a night or a week. It can take months oreven years to fully establish who you are, and even then it is subject to change throughout your company’s life cycle. Let me tell you the story of our name. Once we had the idea of this company who would enter the design market and revolutionize the way business is done, the subject came up of what this vision was going to be called.
Having just learned that “Deus Ex Machina” was Latin for “God of the Machine”, we loved the connection to the past. We wanted to pay it forward. After all, don’t we all stand on the shoulders of giants? Machina just rolled off the tongue. The “k” sound was fun to say. It broke down the word machine which is defined as an apparatus consisting of interrelated parts with separate functions. This is what we wanted to build. Not a machine how it is conventionally thought of but one with the human element involved, multiple pieces all working together towards the same goal.
Yes, we could have probably left it at that but as an entrepreneur you want more, need more. It is a craving for success to never be satisfied with the status quo. “Why not say tech at the end” was said. This gave us two parts that said our favorite k sound. Cliché and cheesy? I think not. We wanted to diversify ourselves from everyone else. We wanted to be different. “Why not change the tech to tek?” It was fun, creative, sounded amazing, and conveyed in a subtle way so much about the brand that was about to be built over the course of the next year.
I write this not to just tell our story, but to show everyone who reads this that it can be that simple. We encourage any and every one to just start with your dream or passion. Stop waiting for your life to change, and force it to. It could be something just as simple as giving your dream a name.