Why you should care...
By Newton Asimov
By now it is such a cliché. The brave hero standing on top of a desolate wasteland, all hope seems lost. The enemy is massively daunting and outnumbering the poor hero a bagillion to one. Beaten, battered, bruised he looks out and see’s the enemy circling his position, ready to strike that final death blow for the morbid ending. But alas, in that split moment of inevitable defeat, a moment of clarity falls on our hero. Being backed into a corner with nowhere to go but forward, an opportunity arises that wasn’t noticed before. By the end of the story he is victorious, saving his kingdom and so on and so forth.
Why do we love those stories? Why do those stories make us stand on end and feel a huge wave of relief when the hero succeeds? I attribute this to two factors. We hate people, places, or things that take advantage of normal people. We will fight exploitation every time. I mean, this is America! Land of the free home of the brave. Whether you lean to the left or right at the end of the day you hold sacred your freedoms that we have and so when someone else, like say, Comcast comes in and screw you over fully knowing you cannot do anything about it, it makes you angry. It should. Who are they to dictate your environment? It happens all too often in our world with design. Want a website, okay that will be $40,000. You start to see these companies banding together, declaring anything short of their price point is shady, unprofessional work. Where does that leave the regular consumer then?
The second factor is quite an interesting one. I heard an interesting concept this week. When it comes to how we look at companies selling products and services, unsuccessful ones think in the terms of What, How, and Why. The greats though, and they are few and far between, think in the complete opposite direction. They start with the Why, then the How, followed up by the What. It is the Why that resonates with everyone because in today’s world we are so saturated with products and services, we would rather spend our hard earned cash on something we believed in. We want our Hero to win because we want to believe in what he is doing. We want to believe that there will always be good triumphing over evil. Long after we are dust on this planet.
It got me thinking that we haven’t directly told you our Why here at MachinaTek. MachinaTek was built on the dream of designing great products for businesses. But like everything on this planet, we changed as we grew. Clients started thanking us for what we did for them. Praising MT for reigniting their passions and making sure they had the swagger to do it. I am not saying this to brag, I am saying this because if you have ever been an entrepreneur you know there is this certain high you get from it that can’t compare to anything else. I do not know if it’s just feeling true freedom in your own personal life or what, but whatever it is, it is amazing.
Like all things in life though, it tends to fade as time goes on. Payroll becomes apparent, taxes (thanks Uncle Sam), and pressing issues that drowned out your free time. The euphoric sense of having your own company doesn’t go away, but it can get lost in the noise. When our clients started throwing this feedback to us, it brought that positive entrepreneurial spirit to the forefront of everything. Almost as if it reached down and grabbed it from the waters to reality to pull it back up on our ship. It was all about helping people and businesses. Not in the sense of what businesses normally say for that bump in their pay, but that we re-introduced this consumer-business personal relationship that seems to have dissipated over the course of the new century.
To sum it up, we are tired of big design firms, big businesses exploiting you as consumers because they can and there is no one who can stand up to them, or will. MachinaTek is growing and changing into a business in a box. You are damn right we design! We design the best things imaginable. But we also want to give every facet of what you need for your own pursuit of your own dreams. We want to offer it at an entrepreneur’s price point. We want to cut the legs out from underneath large, irresponsible companies. We will be that hero in the wasteland, fighting for the freedom of the consumer.
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